
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Prop8 Struck Down Again

The Ninth Circuit court has ruled against Prop8. This is one more step to a federal ruling legalizings gay marriage or rather creating marriage equality. The benefits and protections previously afforded solely to heterosexual couples will include homosexual couples as well.

I have written previously that this was inevitable and would be just a matter of time. It has been nearly 15 years since I first made this prediction. It is now closer than ever. Six state governments (along with the District of Columbia and the Coquille Indian Tribe) have already passed laws allowing same-sex marriage. These are: New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, and New Hampshire. The twelve states which have legalized civil union or domestic partnerships for same-sex partners are California, Colorado, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Washington, and Wisconsin. The repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell also plays a role in the ultimate march to a federal mandate allowing our same-sex couples to legally marry in that it formally recognizes a need to acknowledge this portion of our population as equal citizens.

The way I see this happening is rather ironic really. Though the supporters of this movement have been very vocal about wishes the last few years, it will be the critics and detractors who we can thank for the outcome. As they, with their vitriol, have brought to light their open desire to discriminate against a particular group of individuals, the courts will delve into the question whether it is constitutional to continue the exclusion. The courts will find that it is not alright and this will lead to a ruling which federally forbids states from denying equal treatment of same-sex couples.
The rabid dogs of opposition already know this; hence, their push to create constitutional amendments defining marriage.

I am a big believer in being wary of what you think you want. As a heterosexual man with a wife and children - boys and a girl, I do not want anyone to define mine or my children’s marriages because what one usually finds when this happens is that the definition is not really what one wanted.
My wife and I define our marriage. Our parents influenced us. Our society influences us, even. However, I don’t want or need a court to do it. I definitely don’t need some small-minded individuals who are more concerned with what others are doing in their own homes defining marriage for me. Let them keep that within the walls of their homes.

Though the purpose of Prop8 was to strip the couples of California who had been legally joined of their status. It will ultimately lead to inclusion across the board.

And I say, “It’s about time!”

Enjoy the Show!

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