
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Hello, Once Again.

I'm back.  I was in Honduras for about a year doing some military medical support plus some time on the front and back end where I was mostly just drifting.

I'm about to start my graduate program for epidemiology, so I expect to be back in the busy zone again but I also want to restart what I had begun with The Theatre ZOO before leaving.  My drive has changed though and I intend on focusing more internally motivating posts.  I want to discuss what comes up still, but I think I will play a more direct role in the conversation rather than being a commentator of what I see.  The previous post will remain on this site but due to some glitches, the photos no longer appear.  Also, site needs to change.

I hope I will be able to entertain a little and get people to think on occasion, but mostly, I hope you'll enjoy the show!

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